Budget Advice
General information only: The information on this website is general in nature and is not intended to be personalised financial advice. You should consult a professional financial adviser before making any financial decisions or taking any action based on the information on this website.
"It is not how much you earn, its is how much you keep".
As a professional rugby player you have the opportunity to earn a reasonable level of income early in your working life, so its is a reality that you may experience a significant reduction in your income when you retire - 'NZRPA By the Players for the Game'.
From the NZRPA Retired Players Survey 60% of players took 6 months or longer to 'gain control' post retirement and 46% pf players had been unemployed at some stage since retiring.

SO LET'S GET STARTED! Set up your personalised login at: www.sorted.org.nz
Life's unexpected turns can happy at any time. Have some finances tucked away to make these times a little easier. Start here
2. Get your KiwiSaver on track
What fund are you in? Is it one of the default schemes…can you find one with higher returns and lower fees? Click here
Do you have credit card balances and/or finance company loans? Click here
4. Cover your people, money stuff
Protect what is important – the people in your life, your money now and in the future, and what you own.
Look at your wills and insurance policies. Click here
5. Work out your retirement number
The earlier you plan your retirement the better. Click here
6. Set your goals then reach them!
Where do you want to be? What are your priorities? Setting targets helps to aim your money to reach your goals in life. Click here
Click here to download the Sorted booklets. They cover a wide range of topics, including the ones above, and are FREE to download!